Liebich Wein

South Australia | Barossa Valley

Our Review

The Liebich family have been grapegrowers and winemakers at Rowland Flat since 1919, with CW ‘Darkie' Liebich one of the great local characters. His nephew Ron began making wine in '69, but it was not until '92 that he and wife Janet began selling wine under the Liebich Wein label. The business has grown surely but steadily, a new warehouse commissioned in 2008 vastly improving storage and handling capacity. Exports to the UK, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Winemaker Ron Liebich
Viticulturalist Ron Liebich
Region Barossa Valley
Address 151 Steingarten Road, Rowland Flat, SA 5352
Established 1992
Dozens 400
Vineyards (area) 11.93 ha
Opening Hours Fri, Sat, Mon 11–5, Sun 12–4
Telephone (08) 8524 4543
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